Monday, December 5, 2011

My sister-in-law is jacked up like a SOUP SANDWICH

So, tonight, I am checking out FB, looking at some profiles I haven't looked at in a while. I see my ex-sister-in-law's face, and although I despise the c-word, I decided to click on her anyway to see how my nephews are doing.

Two hours prior to my curiosity, she had written a post about how my 9-year-old nephew was nearly killed while riding a 4 wheeler... unsupervised. The kid that was with him ended up needing a ton of staples to keep his skull together. Thankfully, my nephew walked away relatively unscathed.

Because I am angry, I want to tell you why my sister-in-law is a useless train wreck.

1. She divorced my brother. Some might say, "wait a second, your biased", but not really. My brother, as great a kid as he is, is nothing like me and I don't really sympathize with him for marrying such a bitch. We all make mistakes, but that was the kid of girl he was looking for. A trophy. But he is a good guy, with a great job. Also, he is a great dad and would never leave his boys unsupervised around dangerous, ADULT machinery.

2. Bitch don't, and won't, get a job. She hasn't been gainfully employed in 10 years and proudly proclaims it. She divorced my brother, and as a consequence, he was not able to pay his rent and the mortgage on the house they had together. So, instead of pitching in, she would prefer to let the bank have it.

3. She's an alcoholic. Now, I have been known to drink. I have been known to drink way too much, but I have never been late to pick up my kids because I drink too much. And, unfortunately, with her, being late is not nearly as scary as driving liquored to pick up the boys.

4. She is an idiot. She left my brother; a wonderful father and a guy that makes more than me about five times over, and I have a good job. After leaving my brother, she started dating a looser with whom my nephews now get to hang out. Are you getting the picture about this hoochy-mama?

5. She is a failure as a mother. She spends as little time as she can with her kids. As soon as she can, she hands them off to my brother so she can hang out with Captain Looser. The only reason she has the boys at all is so that a judge will require a child support payment every month.

I usually mind my own business. I mean, my brother made his choice and it was a shitty one, but hey, its not my life. I think the reason I despise her so is that she is an affront to everything I hold dear, to everything that I strive to be. I have a work ethic and refuse to let anyone, including a welfare state, take care of me. I also think about others before I think about myself. I value loyalty, and strive hard to keep my interpersonal relationships in tact, even if it means sacrificing for the greater good of my family and friends.

My sister-in-law represents the contagion that is endemic in America. She's a fucking parasite.

1 comment:

Reptiles in the Ice Cream said...

Just testing the waters, can I comment?